Luke Armstrong

Luke Armstrong eager after injury setback

Goalkeeper Luke Armstrong has set his sights on a strong return from a recent knee injury, which sidelined him for over two months. Luke suffered a Grade 2 MCL and MPFL injury during pre-season, but has worked hard on his recovery to return to fitness.

He began: “Getting injured two weeks into pre-season was quite hard to digest to be honest, because I came back from the summer feeling fit, strong, sharp and had some good momentum, but then the injury happened and it killed that momentum. I had to deal with my rehab and I feel like I’ve come back stronger and fitter. I’m just trying to turn it into a positive. Obviously, there’s only one spot for a goalkeeper and you’ve got to show why that shirt should be yours. Being on the sideline for two and a half months in my case, watching the other goalkeepers progress while I'm just stuck in the gym is tough, but it’s important to stay positive and to know a part of life as a footballer is getting injuries.” 

Luke Armstrong

The road to recovery is never easy, but Luke attests his teammates and staff around him were vital in helping him through the tough period. 

The staff were top class,”Luke continued. “The day I did it, a couple hours after, I was getting phone calls, messages, making sure it was alright from all staff from all ages, which was really positive. It shows how much of a relationship I've got with everyone and I felt really supported throughout so, I couldn't have asked for anything more. The lads also supported me really well. Every day, I had someone different come put their arm over me, making sure I'm doing well. The lads who are injured already, for example, Cole Fleming, he's been out due to his ACL and missed all of last season, he was looking after me the most probably, giving me a lot of advice.”

Luke Armstrong

On many occasions this campaign, Luke and the Academy goalkeepers have had the opportunity to train with the First Team, learning from the likes of Jak Alnwick, Ethan Horvath and Matthew Turner.

He added: “I was buzzing to get back into training. As soon as I got let back on the grass, I was flying around doing what I love. I think the lads and all the staff could see that. It is such a good feeling to be back and I have got to start kicking on now and start progressing again. It's massive to be given a chance to train with the First Team, it is just a different level. I'm lucky to work with Jak, Ethan and Matt sometimes, they’re experienced goalkeepers, Ethan at an international level and Jak has played through all the leagues, so, it's really good to pick their brains and watch them train, watch the tempo they train at, see how clean they are, and start taking things into my own game.

“I'm buzzing to be back playing. During the international break, I worked closely with Darran Lovell, Gavin Ward and the other goalkeepers that are around. From there, hopefully I'll start getting minutes for the U21s, kick on and really prove myself.”

It’s been a positive start to the campaign for the Academy, with the U21s and U18s getting positive results, as well as six debuts at First Team level.

“It's fantastic for so many of the boys to get opportunities,” Luke said. “We’re all regularly playing up age groups, involved with the First Team, players making debuts and it's just a good feeling for the whole Academy. Gavin Chesterfield and his staff have done a really good job with that. In Llanrumney, there's a wall with all the names of players who have graduated and made their debuts. I think just having that in the building, it's just the biggest motivation to do it yourself. A lot of lads look at that and think my name has got to be on that wall."