Continuing our ongoing consultation process we are now, as promised, at the point to deliver a survey, looking at a variety of areas within the club.

As previously covered, the areas covered are as follows:

1. Historical stadium branding

2. Future club crest development

3. Future club kit development


4. Enhancing supporter areas

5. Potential match day events

6. Improving the match day atmosphere

This is the first stage of the consultation process, from which the survey findings will be communicated in due course. We will also be setting up a working group, including randomly selected survey participants and the official Supporters Club and Supporters Trust to look at the findings. The goal for all concerned is to put together a cohesive strategy that everyone can appreciate and understand going forward.

If you would like to be a potential part of the working group then please complete the personal section within the survey, after which we will be in contact by the end of July.

We would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the survey and look forward to your constructive feedback and comments.

As a club we want to continue working closely with supporters, a practice that has among other things influenced the UK's most successful football family area and also contributed to progress made in the Canton Stand. This process will help to recognise our past while strengthening our future.

Vince Alm of Cardiff City Supporters Club welcomed the steps taken, saying, "With the external negativity surrounding the club over the past month as regards the belief of a lack of consultation with season ticket holders and regular supporters, this helps to go a long way to redress that balance.

This process allows the supporters the chance to have a say and influence how they would like the club to progress in the future off the field, covering areas such as the stadium fit out, future branding, entertainment, improving the atmosphere and the match day experience for us all. Again this is quite refreshing that the club and board take an interest in what the match going public want."

Tim Hartley, Chair of Cardiff City Supporters Trust, added, "We welcome this new consultation with fans by the club about the match day experience, the kit and the club crest. As supporters we all have views on how things should be with our beloved Bluebirds and the club needs to hear those views. Here is a chance for us to have our say and we look forward to playing our part in shaping the future look of the club."

Surveys have been sent via email on Friday to those on our database. If you are a regular recipient of our e-shots during the season you should receive one today.

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