Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
Cardiff City Football Club is committed to promoting equality by treating people fairly and with respect; by recognising inequalities exist; by taking steps to address them; and by providing access and opportunities for all members of the community.
Cardiff City Football Club's commitment is to eliminate discrimination on the basis of age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.
We will ensure that we treat people fairly and with respect, and that we will provide access and opportunities for all members of the community to take part in, and enjoy, our activities.
The content of this statement applies equally to the treatment of our staff, customers, supporters, clients, partners and suppliers and is fully supported by the Board of Directors of Cardiff Football Club who are also committed to achieving the EFL Equality Code of Practice.
Click here to read the Club's Policy.
Gender Pay Gap Report
We are required by law to carry out Gender Pay Reporting under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.
This involves carrying out six calculations that show the difference between the average earning of men and women in our organisation.
Please find Cardiff City Football Club's 2023 Gender Pay Gap Report below.
Match Day Reporting Service
Cardiff City FC welcomes everyone and we pride ourselves on the fact that Cardiff City Stadium is a welcoming, family-friendly stadium where fans can come to enjoy watching football in a safe, secure and welcoming environment.
While promoting inclusion and diversity within the stadium, we applaud and encourage passionate support. However, we do not tolerate discrimination, abuse, foul and abusive language or anti-social and threatening behaviour. This includes discrimination towards any of the protected characteristics listed in the Equality Act 2010.
Supporters who behave in an unacceptable way will be challenged about their behaviour by the Club and we will work with South Wales Police if necessary, to pursue criminal charges.
If supporters experience any form of anti-social behaviour, abuse, or discrimination inside the stadium, please help us eliminate it by sending an e-mail to us at club@cardiffcityfc.co.uk.
Alternatively, if you are at an event & want us to be able to react immediately you can call us on 07484 070422 or use the QR code published across the stadium & complete the online form.

You can also report discrimination through the free reporting app from Kick It Out.
Please provide as much detail of any offence as possible. This may include specific seat details if applicable, descriptions of persons involved, and exact words and phrases wherever possible.
Supporters are also encouraged to report any behaviour that they are not comfortable with to any of our stewards or other staff.
We will treat your message in the strictest confidence and take necessary action against offending parties.
We also monitor all official social media channels, taking note of and reporting abuse when found.